Pre-Conference Symposium: Prevention of couple distress and divorce: International status of online programs
On July 16, 2019, the symposium took place at the Kaiserin-Friedrich-Stiftung, Robert-Koch-Platz 7 in Berlin. It provided a unique opportunity to hear from the most internationally renowned experts on the state of preventive approaches in their respective countries, particularly on their experiences with online couples counselling and its effectiveness. The event was open to interested experts, representatives of different institutions, staff from the BMFSFJ and other mental health organisations.
Chair: Prof. Dr. N. Heinrichs
13:00 – 13:30 Welcome addresses: Mackroth BMFSFJ, WB: Fegert, DJI: Walper, KGS: Grawe-Gerber
13:30 – 14:00 Prof. A. Christensen, PhD, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA: State of the art: Effectiveness and dissemination of the online program “OurRelationship” in the US
14:00 – 14:30 Prof. H. Markman, PhD, University of Denver, USA: State of the art: Effectiveness and international dissemination of the online program “ePREP.”
14:30 – 15:00 Prof. W. K. Halford, PhD, University of Queensland, Australia: State of the art: Effectiveness and dissemination of the “COUPLE CARE”-Program.”
15:15 – 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 – 16:00 Prof. D. Snyder, PhD, Texas A&M University, College Station, USA: State of the art: Supporting Healthy Marriages Initiatives in the US (SHM and Building Strong Families BSF). Why did it fail?
16:00 – 16:30 Prof. D. Baucom, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, & Dr. M. Fischer, University of Heidelberg, Germany: State of the art: Prevention initiatives in Great Britain
16:30 – 17:00 Prof. Dr. G. Bodenmann, University of Zürich, Switzerland: State of the art: Dissemination and effectiveness of „Paarlife“ and the state of conjugal relationship enhancement in South Europe
17:00 – 17:30 Prof. Dr. K. Hahlweg, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany: State of the art: Dissemination and effectiveness of the“EPL” and follower (online) interventions
18:00 – 19:00 Podiums-Diskussion: Nationale Dissemination von präventiven (online) Paar-Interventionen. Moderation: Prof. Dr. J. Fegert, Ulm, Petra Mackroth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), Prof. Dr. Sabine Walper, Deutsches Jugendinstitut DJI, Prof. Dr. Margarethe Schuler-Harms, Hamburg, Dr. Franz Thurmaier.